duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009

7 comentarii:

George Lucian Pamp spunea...

m-ai inebunit, cre ca dau o fuga pana la sf gheorghe zilele astea :D

George spunea...

Nu mai sunt locuri...s-au ocupat deja :))

All about the grab spunea...

I see you have a picture of my blog logo yet no link back to it......!!!!

Nice pike but there are better ways of holding them....that's unless you take them home to eat?

George spunea...

Hei Simon..my bad for the "horroble" pics..the pike was taken home to eat indeed, we usually release pikes under 2-3 kilo..anyway, it's not like you catch such a big one every day..and maybe you want the head as trophee sometimes :)

PowerFlex spunea...

interesat de un link exchange?


dave spunea...

That looks incredible! What are your favorite spots?

Got a moment? Save the World!

George spunea...

Just about any lake that holds monsters:)